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Large long-legged wader in shallow sea.

27 He aha tērā? Bar-tailed Godwit

These large wading birds spend their summers on our beach after an exhausting non-stop 12,000 Km flight over 10 days or so all the way from the Alaskan Arctic. They have a long tapering and slightly upturned pink bill with black tip He aha tērā? What is that? Photo by Miraz Jordan. Used with permission. Answer: it’s a kuaka, godwit:…

Closeup of stalks, shells and tentacles.

26 He aha tērā? What is that?

Occasionally you’ll come across driftwood covered in waving stalks, each terminating in what looks like a soft shell with tentacles emerging. If you’re not a fan of horror movies it may be very unnerving. He aha tērā? What is that? Photo by Miraz Jordan. Used with permission. Answer: it’s a werewere, gooseneck barnacle: This barnacle has a fleshy purpleish-brown narrow…

Four large black and white birds standing in shallow sea water.

25 He aha tērā? Pied Shag

This large black and white bird is seen on the river, on the beach and flying overhead. It’s often observed with wings outstretched, sunning itself. There’s a whole colony of them in the trees just upstream from the footbridge. He aha tērā? What is that? Photo by Miraz Jordan. Used with permission. Answer: it’s a kawau, pied shag: Identification: Length:…

Mainly brown frog, facing camera, on leaves.

24 He aha tērā? What is that?

You may find one or more of these hopping around your garden. It’s mainly brown with a green stripe down its back. You may hear it — its call is a kind of rawk rawk hmm hmm (or perhaps like a car that won’t start). He aha tērā? What is that? Answer: it’s a Southern Bell frog: The Southern Bell…

Very colourful bird on a fence.

23 He aha tērā? Rainbow Lorikeet

This very colourful bird has been spotted in the village recently, but shouldn’t be here at all. It has a red bill, blue head, yellow neck, green body and red breast. It’s not an eastern rosella though. He aha tērā? What is that? Photo by Fred Hirst. Used with permission. Answer: it’s a rainbow lorikeet: Identification: Length: 28 cm; Weight:…

Small brown quadruped with white chest and beady eyes.

22 He aha tērā? What is that?

This mammal looks so handsome with reddish-brown fur on its back and a white or cream coloured underbelly. It’s a vicious killer though, and devastating to birdlife. Unfortunately it’s common at Waikawa Beach — one Strathnaver resident has trapped nearly a dozen over the last few years. Others have lost hens or quail to this killer. He aha tērā? What…